A. Supplies, Tools and Equipment: All employees are charged with the responsibility of maintaining the County's property in the best condition possible and making the most economical use of supplies issued to them. Safe and courteous operation is mandatory.
B. County Vehicles: It is the responsibility of each San Juan County employee to get to his or her designated workplace. Once an employee has reported to their assigned workplace, a County vehicle will be provided should it be necessary to travel on County business or travel allowance will be provided. The department head/elected official shall be responsible for scheduling County vehicles for departmental use. County vehicles will not be used for private use or convenience, except when the employee is assigned a vehicle in which he/she may use to commute from their residence. The value of commuting in a County vehicle is taxable to the employee.
1. Each employee must possess a valid Utah State driver's license before operating a County vehicle.
2. The class of license required will be identified in the employee's job description. Additionally, the employee's driving record must be such that the County's liability carrier will provide coverage. The employee shall notify his/her supervisor within three (3) working days of the loss or suspension of their driver's license.
3.. Failure of an employee to obtain and keep current a Utah Driver's license may be cause for termination, especially in positions that require the employee to operate a motor vehicle.
4. Employees are responsible for any driving infractions or fines that result while they are driving County or personally owned vehicles.
5. Only San Juan County employees/elected officials, employee/ elected official spouses, and authorized volunteers may drive County vehicles. The County carries liability and property damage insurance on all vehicles and such insurance covers all employees driving vehicles on official County business.
a. However, accidents which are found to have been avoidable or to be the fault of the employee may subject the employee to disciplinary action.
C. County Volunteers: All County volunteers must be approved annually by the County pursuant to Utah Code § 67-20-4 prior to service. A "volunteer", as defined by state law, is a person who donates service without pay or other compensation except expenses actually and reasonably incurred as approved by the supervising agency.
1. Volunteers may be reimbursed for actual expenses up to $10.00 and up to $600.00 with receipt.
D. Telephone Use (personal): Personal long distance/toll calls will not be charged to the County at any time. Emergency personal toll calls will be placed collect to the receiving number or charged to the employee's private home number. Employees should keep personal telephone calls, either incoming or outgoing to a minimum. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
E. Use of County Property or Facilities: County property or facilities cannot be used by any employee or by the general public for any purpose other than official County business. Contractors and developers will not be supported by the use of County equipment or property at any time or by work performed by employees. No purchase shall be made through the County for personal use by any employee, except where otherwise provided for under special agreements or contracts.
F. Uniform & Equipment Allowance: Offices desiring to utilize allowances for uniform purchase and maintenance or for non-issued equipment must do so through the budget process to assure availability of funds. Such allowances shall apply to entire job classifications.
G. Receiving Gifts, Gratuities or Other Remuneration: No County employee or officer shall knowingly receive, accept, take, seek, or solicit, directly or indirectly for himself or another a gift of substantial value or a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift:
1. That would tend improperly to influence a reasonable person in the person's position to depart from the faithful and impartial discharge of the person's public duties;
2. That the County employee or officer knows or that a reasonable person in that position should know under the circumstances is primarily for the purpose of rewarding the County employee or officer for official action taken; or
3. If the County employee or officer recently has been, is now, or in the near future may be involved in any governmental action directly affecting the donor or lender, unless a disclosure of the gift or compensation and other relevant information has been made in the manner provided Utah Code Section 67-16-6 of UCA.
4. The above sections do not apply:
a. an occasional non-pecuniary (not consisting of money) gift, having a value of not in excess of $50; or
b. an award publicly presented in recognition of public services.
H. Providing of Gifts and Awards:
1. Gifts: The policy of San Juan County is to recognize the deaths, significant hospitalization, retirement from County service, acknowledgements of exceptional service of San Juan County Employees, and to outline the amount of County funds to be spent on such recognition.
a. Condolences:
i. Acknowledgement of relatives who have died will be made for Spouse and children of San Juan County employees. The maximum that can be spent for condolences of relatives is $50.00, gifts of cash are not allowed.
ii. Acknowledgement of current San Juan County employees who have died will be made from the County and the amount of County funds to be spent for such condolences will be determined by the County Commission.
b. Significant Hospitalizations:
i. Acknowledgement of a significant hospital stay will be for San Juan County employees only and the maximum amount of County funds that can be spent for this acknowledgement is $50.00. Gifts of cash are not allowed.
c. Retirement: San Juan County acknowledges the significance of retirement of its employees by providing a gift upon their retirement. The amount of County funds for retirement are established for employees with at a minimum of 5 years of service a maximum of $10.00 per year of service.
i.The individual department can choose to do a gift either a gift or a check.
ii. Any reception will be at the discretion of the individual department.
iii. Reception and gift/check combined cannot exceed the approved amount based on years of service
I. Employee Parking: Employees are to park their personal vehicles in locations that make public access easier to the County buildings. Employees who work at the County Administration Building are requested to park in the east lot or the north side of 100 South Street.
J. Use of County Property: From time to time, employees will be given the use of County property to perform their jobs. County property includes, but is not limited to, all equipment, vehicles, electronics, cell phones, and computers given or issued to the employee for the performance of his or her job. All employees shall use County property for the use intended and at the direction of their supervisors. County property shall not be used for personal purposes. Theft or willful destruction of County property is prohibited.
Additionally, the County maintains all ownership in any County property, may demand the return of the property, or may assign the property to another employee at its sole discretion. Employees have no right to exclude the County from entering, searching, or reviewing at any time anything in the County property, created with the assistance of the County property, or stored by, within, or in the County property. Employees have no expectation of privacy in the use of any County property.