Tax Notices
Tax notices are sent from the Treasurer’s Office prior to November 1 of each year. The tax assessment is for twelve months, January 1 through December 31, covering the calendar year in which the notice is sent. The tax notice will be mailed to the Recorded Owner as of January 1 of that year.
The tax notice will set out the aggregate amount of taxes to be paid for state, county, school, city and any other taxing unit. For any property upon which a tax delinquency exists the tax notice will be marked “Back taxes DELINQUENT from prior years”.
Mortgage Payments: On the front of the tax notice, top right corner under “Requesting Mortgage Company” a mortgage company may be listed. If you see no company listed the tax billing has not been requested and payment is the owner’s responsibility. If there is a company listed (it may not be your actual mortgage company as requests are often made by a secondary company) the payment SHOULD be made in your behalf using the escrow funds in your mortgage account. This is not guaranteed so if you have questions please contact your mortgage company.