Fire Restrictions
San Juan County
Fire Restrictions
No Restrictions at this time.
Utah State Law (65A-8-211) and DEQ Rule specifies the times, places, and conditions during which the public may carry out burning operations on private land. The closed fire season from June to November has one set of rules, while the rest of the year has another set of rules with some potentially tricky aspects. Don’t find out about burn permits and notifications after fire crews respond to your property on a report of smoke.
Contact the County Fire Warden for a burn permit 435-459-0115 during the closed fire season June-November
For more information about fire restrictions (including the orders from each agency), wildfires, fire prevention, and fuels treatment projects, please visit Always extinguish campfires, dispose of cigarettes properly, stay on roads and trails to avoid dry vegetation, and ensure trailer chains do not drag or create sparks. Fire sense is common sense.