Help Us Preserve Our Roads
What Is R.S. 2477
R.S. 2477 (Revised Statute 2477) was a federal law that authorized construction of roads across federal public lands from 1866 to 1976. During those years, residents of San Juan County, visitors, pioneers, and settlers created and used thousands of roads across public lands for farming, ranching, hunting, recreating, mining, and connecting communities. Many of these routes continue to be used daily, and some occasionally or seasonally.
What Does R.S. 2477 Have to do With Me?
Were you out on the roads in San Juan County before 1976, for ranching, hunting, recreation or any other purpose? If so, then the State and the County need your help to preserve access to these R.S. 2477 roads. If you are willing to share your past experiences using San Juan County roads, please contact one of the Assistant Attorneys General listed below:
Kathy Davis – (801) 888-1876
Tess Davis – (385) 261-0360
Roger Fairbanks – (801) 918-8440
Please also feel free to contact Nick Sandberg at San Juan County: (435) 587-3225 x 4146.